a little lost soul mark 2
The silver colored mother often thought of what happened to her baby girl, Konane had found her fur all around the old den. So what was the grey female to think? She believed that her daughter was dead and killed. Her paws dusted over the lands, snow made a crunching sound under her paws as she moved about the lands, she was happy to be back in the lands where she grew up in, however some of it was just not the same with out her father here. God she still missed him. She had a family now, her beloved son, and her white prince.

The female picked up a faint sound, it was humming. She shifted her ears back as she lowered her body down figuring out where it came from. It wasn't deep with in the lands, where the den's where however it was close enough to the borders that the female couldn't help to wounder if it was because some one was joining or if some one was just to foolish to pay mind to where they where walking to. She was a light enough colored that she knew that the fog would work well on cloaking her around the borders, playing with the shadows in the trees, the female stocked up to one, poking her head around, watching the young child.

Konane felt a ping of sadness, such a young coyote to be just lost with in the lands, she stepped out from be hide the tree as she looked at the child. She didn't lower her head, maybe she should have but she was the coyote of the pack here now wasn't she?

"Where's your mother and father child?"

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