Trapped in my Own Despair.

WC: 506 5 points

Jace looked at the poor female cowering on the floor, that this higher ranking wolf should think herself beneath herself and Kami was disconcerting to Jace. Was this another strange rule here? Where Jace was from, the higher your rank, the higher you carried your head and tail in relation to others, although it would be hard to lower herself more than this female without completely rolling belly up, something she did to no one, not even Alphas. It pained her to see the younger female so scared and feeble where there was no need to be,

"Aye lassy, pick you're head up. Neither me nor Kami here are going to hurt you, besides its not like this is a normal situation anyhow." Jace pulled her head back and looked at the female with one of her ears dropped to the side. She remained sitting as Kami raised to his paws, her eyes focusing on him instead of Adonia. She watched him as he all but ordered her to stay put, a lopsided grin growing on her muzzle and an amused expression smoothing itself onto her face,

A complacent tone worked into her voice and she nodded, "You have no worry of me going back outside. I'll stay here." She looked up at the dirty window and shivered internally, she may been an arctic creature but even she could only stand so much with the pain and cold combined, if she went back out into the cold snow, with her injuries most likely she would never come back. The fire flared as the door was opened, the oxygen that swelled in with the wind fueling it to greater heat. She stood and walked over to Ookami, laying down next to the side not heated by the fire, sharing her body heat. She saw the way Adonia kept looking at the male besides her and smiled, softness creeping into her voice,

"You go with Kami, my dear, i'll look after him here and i'll explain to you what happened to him when you get back or he might be awake by then and he can tell you himself." Her tailed wagged a few times, thumping against the aged floor. "Oh, and my name is Jace. Jace Denahlii" She watched and smiled as they left the cabin before turning her attention to the large male at her side, mumbling to herself

"And what are we going to do with you." She had no clean water or cloth with which to clean his wounds, the only implement she had suited to the job was her tongue, although it was more than adequate it might create awkwardness for the male should he wake up to being cleaned like a dirty puppy. She rolled her eyes and sighed at silly males and their macho thoughts and set about cleaning the cuts and abrasions littering his body that she could reach from her place of being laid next to him, the taste of blood coming from his pelt where they had bled.


Jace "talks", 'thinks', and walks.


Table by Kaena Lykoi <3

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