Trapped in my Own Despair.

She looked to the other female as she spoke, her accent was a familiar one. Was she from Europe as well? She wasn't sure, but she wouldn't ask either. She gave a soft nod and readjusted herself to be a little more straighter, her head still wanting to be lower, just out of habit. She knew Jefferson would be disappointed in her for her reactions, but she couldn't help it. She was used to having to cower, to having to be lower. It wasn't because she was an omega..though one would think she was all a complicated maze of issues within the female, issues she'd never dream of sharing. Her eyes looked over to the dominant figure when he spoke. She looked to Ookami and feeling shy, but feeling the need to, she came closer to him. Her eyes looked over the unconscious body and she, very gently, nuzzled into his muzzle. The thoughts plainly strong in her mind, the feelings she held for him. Certainly, no one was blind to how she felt for Ookami, stronger than any other emotion. Stronger even than her fear, and insecurities. She wasn't wanting to cry because she of fear, but because of how she felt toward the large sable male. It was a short nuzzle, but to her it lasted forever, her eyes looking over to him, I will be back She said in her mind as the other male opened the door, she then moved away with determination in her eyes, despite her still submissive statue; tail down, ears back.

She looked over to the dominant male as he spoke his name, she looked away to hear the other female's name as well; Kami and Jace. She made a note to remember it. Her body stopped moving before she said her name, moving her head in a way that she was in a way looking at both from her side vision, "Adonia Demos.." She said in a voice that was barely audible with the large gusts of wind. It was then she looked at Kami, "..hope you can keep up..I'm not going to move slowly.." She said. Despite the lack of visibility she knew exactly where they were. The moment she stepped out of the cabin, she closed her eyes and thought about it for a split second, then took off left of the doorway. Her body called upon her breeding. Powerful legs moved as if the resistance meant nothing to her. Her fur laying in a manner that didn't allow much cold to chill her bones. With the force she moved with, it warmed her core body, her mind shutting out any pain in her toes. Locking out pain was a trained ability given to her by her mother's abuse, so it wasn't hard for her to ignore the cold. Her eyes split open just a little to look past the flurries as but she could. She didn't slow down, she kept at a constant even when the banks fought her, she wasn't going to allow this to stop her, mother nature wasn't going to stop her. Determination written all over her body.

She slowed as she came into the Mirror Lakes Villa, her body still bounding but at a slower rate. She moved down the thickly laid snow streets of the villiage. She came to an old town home where she stood on her hind legs and opened the simple door knob. It wasn't a round knob, it was more of a handle allowing her to paw open the door, the wind did the rest flinging it open. She quickly came inside, finally looking back to see if Kami kept up well enough. Being in is Secui form, she figured he could powerhouse through the snow more so than she could enabling him to keep up. Once he was inside she would shut the door forcefully, then shake off her pelt vigorously down to the tip of her tail. A slight groan, the only sign that the cold and wind was getting to her. In truth, she was freezing, but that didn't matter, her needs didn't matter.

Looking around she figured she needed to shift into her optime form. A process that took her but a full minute, if that. Shifting was something she did quite often, usually four times in a day. Optime form was the form she went into when caring for the horses, a job she did twice a day at the very least. Once she was complete in shifting her eyes looked around finding matches and lighting her Kerosene lamps allowing them to see. "Okay..the firewood is right there...we can probably put them in a book bag...which the closet there.." As she spoke she pointed to the area's she spoke off; the grate next to the fireplace was full of some firewood, while along one wall there were a lot more stacked taking up the wall all the way to the window seal. Then the closet within the foyer area. "I'll go grab the neem oil..and ace wrap..." She didn't give him too much time to say anything after her last set of words as she took one of the lamps with her to the bathroom, where she began to rummage through the cabinet. It was then she remembered she had it at the bottom in the cabinet below the sink. She snatched it up then went into the bedroom where she grabbed a duffel bag thinking it will be useful. "..should I bring a pan? Maybe to make hot water?" She saw the pan thinking it could be needed, but she wasn't just seemed like a good idea.

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