
WC: 321 OOC: That’s fine, and your edit was perfect, it looks much cleaner, ty Big Grin also, a 2 week wound would still bother her Smile in any case you’re doing fine! I know how it is to go into transitions!

The insides of Liliana hurt as the puppy shied away, revealing that her father had hurt her. The puppy’s wounds were still slightly fresh… and Liliana felt the poor puppies pain, she felt her maternal instinct kicking in, but she kept her distance.

Oh you poor thing, no I promise, on my life and my horses’ life I will not hurt you, I know someone who can make you feel better, and I can get you some food.

She said, her voice calm and cool, anger against those that had done this to such a youngster had bubbled up but she was forcing it down, not letting it show in her doggish features.

My name is Liliana, I live over there, and there’s plenty of food, and a healer that can look after your chest, we aren’t bad, we even have a few other puppies you can play with.

She felt so horribly bad for this puppy, that she wanted to go out and find the girls’ father and rip him to shreds. The most important thing, though, was to make sure the puppy was taken care of. Liliana knew she’d have to ask Nayati permission to take in the pup, as they had decided against puppies to have their own time, but she knew he would understand, even if they could not take her in, they could watch her until someone volunteered to take her in. She knew many would not mind watching a puppy at all, though right now, she felt the little girl was her responsibility.

If you really don’t want me to carry you we can walk there. Nothing bad will happen I promise!

She said, she wanted to give the pup an option, though she doubted she would be able to make it all the way to the village without being held, but she wanted the pup to understand that Liliana was a very trustworthy wolf-dog.

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Table by Alli

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