all you need is love
Word Count→#000 :: Ugh this is a horrible post, I apologize.

The two girls approached him, and before they even introduce themselves he could see they were sisters. It was obvious enough despite their different colors. He saw similar bone structure, similar build, and they spoke in a similar fashion—much like someone else he knew all too well. Gabriel observed them as they spoke and smiled, offering a singular tail wag to reassure them of his presence. Lack of fear was a good sign, though, as they greeted him warmly. “Gabriel,” he replied. “Gabriel de le Poer.”

They carried a lot of things with them, and though Inferni was on their pelts, it was new. Someone else must have allowed them in. He sniffed at the air, taking in what he recognized as his half-brother. Family, as he had guessed. “You’re Razekiel’s other daughters, right?”

table by kiki. image credit here.

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