Into the unknown

OOC: Sorry for the wait. I had a hectic weekend…


Jaden was till unsure of how to approach the two wolves in the clearing. The wind offered nothing to their identity’s as it brushed right past him and undoubtedly ushered his sent to their noses. It was clear they had detected Jaden when they both stood, speaking amongst themselves and asking about the woodland disturbance. The female stood a bit more dominantly than the male, and was the first to turn and face Jaden, unafraid. The male, who up until now was just another stranger, took a defensive position next to her and peered into the trees. This act of kinship made the two appear to be acquainted. Maybe they were hunting together from the same pack… Jaden thought to himself. Maybe they were mates… The maybes were numerous, but one thing was obvious, they had discovered the Alaskan and did not appreciate being watched. The wolves looked as thought they might come charging into the brush if Jaden did not make himself known. But, if they were from the same pack, they might not take to a stranger very well. The thought of drawing one of his weapons swam across the dark Optime’s mind before he banished it. Being hostile toward them might provoke an attack. So, Jaden took a deep breath and stepped into the sun.

Warmth ushered over his dark coat as he watched the wolves observe him, trying to read their reactions to him. He wanted to appear unthreatening, so he ignored the instinct that told him to lay a hand on his dagger’s sheath, and instead took a wide stance and raised his chin. There was no need for a fight, but there was also no need for Jaden to take a submissive stance toward two strangers on unclaimed land. “My name is Jaden Ohanzee,” He answered unflinchingly, “I mean no harm and I apologize for the unnecessary spying. I was trying not to interrupt the two of you...”

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