Into the unknown

Word Count→000 :: OOC: New reply X3

Sankara relaxed as the newcomer came to view. He was on it's Optime form, and patches of his fur where red (the most probable was that it was dyed). He was carrying a bag, and he had a bandage around his torso. The bandage catched her eye. Concern showed up in her eyes as the stranger introduced himself, apologizing for spying. "It's ok, now we know who you are". Sankara limited to say. As she saw the man's eyes, she noticed that he was showing dominant, and that he wasn't going to flinch. And Sankara couldn't protest. After all, it was unclaimed land. Still, she didn't like the way the man was looking at them. It made her concern flinch. Well, all what Sankara could do to prevent a problem was to show friendly.

She was about to introduce herself when Leonard made a comment. It sounded rude, but the tone left clear that he didn't mean it to sound like that. Before the red-painted male could do something, she tried to fix it. "Hey! his size isn't matter of joke! i can shift into that form as well." She softened her voice, so the scold sounded more like a casual comment. Then she turned to the stranger. "By the way, my name is Sankara". Her stance was now more relaxed, but she still had an air of dominance. They where next to her prey, so the place was temporary hers...her prey! Sankara turned towards it. With the conmotion she had lost apetite, but if she left them to eat it, then it would be like making them the dominants. And the black male didn't seem very trustworthy. "Humm, tell me Jaden, what brought you here?". This day was having an interesting turn out.

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