Trying to help

Hey there!

There was no particular intention that led the man to one of the newest members of Dahlia, only chance and perhaps a dosage of luck. Lavender settled on the unknown form, and, as always, he had to wonder whether or not this was a freshly accepted member or just a young girl from somewhere else a bit lost within another pack’s territory. As the alpha drew closer, the light touch of Dahlia’s fresh scent clung to her fur, and he settled with the belief that this was a child accepted by someone else that he just had not had the opportunity to meet. Until today, that was.

A bright smile entered the Soul male’s lips as he stopped before the smaller form. He had always liked children, though it was a shame that he had taken so many in. So many ruined familes—it seemed there were barely any groups of blood related members that managed to go unbroken. ”Hey there,” soft tones clang brightly in the cool winter air. The adult did not want to frighten her, naturally. ”I am Conor.” An introduction was always a good start. ”I haven’t seen you here before. What is your name?” Smile was present in voice too, gentle lavender eyes watching the small girl as he awaited her response.

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