How to balance ...
How many threads do you have with Ever? Is it possible you're overloading yourself with Ever while leaving little room for your secondary character? I know if I had everyone with 10 threads I'd just die. x_x 30 is too much for me -- crazy people like Shaw can have that many threads, of course, but not everyone can sustain such a blistering pace, for sure!

Is it possible that the characters you're bringing in are just difficult to play? :o It was you who picked up Spyridon, right (memoryFAIL, jesus). And you currently play Brex? Hm. Well, Spyr wasn't very well-connected to other characters, right? :\ I sucked with Rurik at the time, and there really aren't a lot of Russos on-board... Brex is a creature, and they're always more difficult to play, in my opinion -- especially prey creatures like deer. They tend to be damn stupid, and it has got to be difficult for you to find threads with other canine characters and avoid Brex getting eaten. X3 Maybe if you try a character who is very well-connected, with at least one or two other people to plot with you and keep you interested...?

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