Into the unknown
OOc: Sorry this is so short. ><

"Alaska?... Tsk." Leon said, sighing in defeat. He was not even sure if Phoenix was in Alaska, so he would have to finish the search here first. Bringing his eyes to meet those of Jadens, Leon answered his question. "My name is Leon ven Liudesys. I traveled here searching for someone." As Leon answered, he again shuffled his right fore paw, testing his weight on it. The air between them seemed tense, and a cold spike formed in Leons stomach when he looked into Jadens eyes. He had the look of a predator looking at its prey. 'Oookay...' He thought.

"Tell me, please, Jaden, did you ever meet a timber wolf, male, who is colored the same as myself? He would possibly be the same height as me. His name is Phoenix." He asked, controlling his voice so it came out evenly. If this male had seen Phoenix, it could end his search here and now. He had not forgotten about Sankara, but Jaden had been traveling around, and it looked like it was recent, so he had high hopes. If Jaden didn't know, maybe Sankara or someone else would.

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