M - the show must go on
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*resurrects two year-old table* O_O Also Hybrid is a creeper. (306)

The combination of large, pebbly rocks and slowly-thawing ice made the trek through the beach particularly treacherous. Hybrid did not often come by this way simply because there were never any possible trespassers. Even though he was no longer the Tesserarius, he still chose to patrol the borders whenever he could. There wasn’t much work as a Hydra within the Inferni lands aside from training other members, so he took his time ringing the clanlands. Today, however, he had awoken with a start. It had disturbed him greatly, since sleep usually came very easily to him. He took it as a sign and headed northwest from the caves, slowly picking out a new route.

It was proving to be a day of surprises. Hybrid had nearly slipped a few times. A sudden ghoulish howl had surprised him so much that he lost his balance and went skidding across some flat ice. Once he regained his composure, which admittedly took some time, he trotted closer to the source to investigate. He didn’t want to rush himself, but at the same time, he was very curious. He hoped a wolf had not wandered this far south and decided to torment an innocent young Infernian; that would not do at all!

He was surprised to see Talitha standing by the water and heaving stones into the inlet. He blinked and glanced up to her significantly taller form. He stopped and stood there, watching her, as she sat down and pulled her head onto her knees. He moved closer so that he was only two metres away. Without saying anything, he sat down abruptly and gave her a piercing look. He didn’t know what to say, so he didn’t say anything. It was pointless. He just fiddled with a pebble between his halfway Secui claws, watching her all the while.


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