Critique Please?
Personally, I fail at drawing on the computer. But both of my parents are artists so I did inherit some good skills offline, I think.

Anyway, I would like to have the following drawing of my future character, Citlali Kimaris-Etalpalli, tossed about and assessed.

I am not really looking for drawing critique, although it is always appreciated and I can see a million details I need to change (that's what I get for only spending a couple hours on it), but I would like some character feedback. I am willing to add and change some things on him.

A little background knowledge on him is that he is 100% coyote, which explains his leaner figure in the picture. He is obsessed with making jewelry/weaving and his religion leads him to worshiping the moon. Citlali is also completely in love with feathers and birds which is why he added on to his last name, Etalpalli, meaning wing.

I apologize for the darkness. I used Photoshop to darken the lines since our scanner is dead. And excuse the little notes; I was too lazy to color.

Please, thank you, and enjoy. <3


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