M - the show must go on

He grunted in reply and noted: “neither do I.” He didn’t fucking know why Gabriel let his daughter come back and forth whenever she wanted, as if Inferni were some cheap whore. It tarnished the reputation of the clan and Hybrid thought she – and Ezekiel – should work to prove their worth. They might be his sister’s children, but that didn’t make them any better than any of the other mutts running around in the clan. Hell, his own daughter had reappeared, but he would not let her get away with just joining. They all had to prove themselves before he would consider them worthy of being considered for the status of ‘possibly trustworthy.’

He let out a low cackle when Talitha spoke again. He eyed the girl, letting his distaste show even more. “Sure as fuck doesn’t seem like it,” he replied. “You’ve got a long fucking way to go before you can convince people of that.” He sneered and tried not to chuckle again. As a result, he was left sitting next to his niece with a horrible grimace on his face which only served to distort his many scars.


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