Dragging feet

ooc text. T-T Sad face puppy dead

Ayita Catori

Ayita smiled looking at him. “I know thank you so much. I’m just adjusting still.” She said. She truly hoped that the woman standing behind her would stay calm and enjoy being with her family. Ayita stood up, she wanted to show her daughter where her other daughter was. ”Amaranth come here.” She said looking with focus at the purple eyed girl.

Ayita opened the door again stepping outside into the cool air she shivered a bit. It had snowed a little and the marker that they had placed was lightly dusted with snow. ”This is where we laid her to rest would you like to help us plant flowers this spring?” Ayita asked. She hoped doing this would aid her daughter to move on as well. We named her Ame, Heaven that name is fitting to her. She said looking at her.

”Amaranth leave me alone don’t pick on me.” She said.

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