Into the unknown

OOC: *puts arms up to block Leon from Liz* Don’t hurt her!... She can’t type if she is dead. XD


Sankara explained the basic traits of luperci with common facts that most infected with the virus knew. In truth, Jaden knew more than most about the sickness. In his former pack, it had been Jaden’s job to quickly execute those who were not in his blood that contracted luperci. So, he had to know how to distinguish luperci from normal wolves easily. He still had a low-lying hatred for the form he found himself in now. Been taught to the point of near brainwash he was a demon, inspired grate disdain for his Optime form. Luperci was a curse, Jaden had been told so many times, from the hell of humaniy. The more he thought about it, the more Jaden realized what a load of crap he had been fed, and willingly believed. “Demon luperci” had only been the poorly justified killing of unlucky innocents.

So, when Sankara peered in his direction for more of a definition for luperci, Jaden grimaced slightly. He did not want to be reminded of his life before ‘Souls in anyway. After a short pause, Jaden realized both wolves were waiting for an answer from the Alaskan and he pushed himself to give one. “Sankara is correct,” he breathed, “I was taught the same facts she has, but a little more. You see, my…” Jaden hesitated when referring to Uva Atka as HIS pack, “my former pack is very religiously centered. They believe luperci is a demonic curse left by humans. Whether it was truly left by humans before they went extinct, I’m not sure, but I do know it is transferable or catchable. Again, Sankara was correct in saying it can be ‘given’,” Jaden said the last word with a small, almost unnoticeable emphasize of disgust. Luperci is not a gift to be given, “to another non-luperci canine. It takes direct contact with infected bodily fluids like blood and such to get the sickness. Once someone has been infected, they under go a small period of not being in complete control of their changes, but eventually can control it freely like Sankara and I. My parents had luperci when they conceived me, so I have had it all my life and did not have to go though contracting it. I have only seen it happen.” He paused for a second and looked at Sankara, wondering if she had been born with it as well. Words and memories swam over Jaden’s dark blue eyes as he recalled more than he wished to share. Without standing, he reached down to his hip and slid out the silver blade of his dagger. Practiced elegance allowed him to prove his next point. “The Optime form has its advantages over Securi or lupus. It is slower and usually weaker, but the dexterity is quite magnificent.” Jaden spun the perfectly weighted dagger between his claws lightly with an airy metallic sound before tossing it into the air. It spun end to end twice before landing, hilt first in the Alaskan’s palm. He did this without looking away from Sankara and Leon. The weapon was meant to find its sheath after the demonstration, but Jaden continued to fiddle with it absentmindedly, “Thumb-less paws cannot allow the manipulation needed to learn swordplay, writing, or various other useful talents I have seen done with fingered claws.” Jaden paused again, trying to think of whether he had left anything he knew out. “mmmm… I have also seen that luperci live a bit longer than other wolves normally do. That is all I can recall at the moment though,” Jaden continued to think while still toying with the blade. It was a habit he had practiced many times before his journey to ‘Souls and the familiarity kept him enticed now as he glanced Sankara, incase she had anything to add or correct him on.

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