M - the show must go on

Blatant refusal met her awkward request, leaving the Lykoi sullen. She didn't watch Hybrid as he stood to leave. As she battled the sinking feeling left in her chest, she lost what little confidence had returned. Her fingers tugged the tarnished flask from the binding around her thigh, unscrewing the cap with some difficulty before raising it to her lips; the liquor burned her nose and eyes as it went down, mingling with her already present sense of despair. She didn't like him. He didn't like her. Her problem was that she needed him for something, and he didn't have any reason to stay around. The princess tapped a finger against the metal as her mind worked to find the gall she lacked. "Uncle Hybrid," she started. The informality of the words made her grimace, almost like calling Gabriel 'daddy', but it seemed natural.

The pause that followed was short lived. "I don't like asking for help. Certainly not from things like you. But I need you to teach me, and I'll do whatever you need for it to be worth your while. You say I need to 'earn my keep' or...whatever?" She rose from her place on the rocks, taking another quick swig of the burning amber liquid, and turned toward the mottled male. Her gaze strayed from his face, focused somewhere between his ear and shoulder. She didn't expect sympathy, or agreement even, but was willing to push the issue. "I don't like being this. I don't want to be like this. I need your help to change." The plea left her in silence, jaw tense. She was unaccustomed to asking for help from anyone but Ezekiel. Requesting it from Hybrid was just strange.


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