she called it her future

OOC here!

J'adore nodded, 'Your welcome'. He reached up to a shelf a little higher than where his ears reached and pulled down a pair of books. 'These two are good', he said surveying them. 'This one', he said holding up the green covered one, 'Has no pictures, but the writing itself is easy to read, it would be sutible for teaching individuals to read. Entertaining and easy'. He passed it over to his other had and began his next speech, 'This one is a little harder, but it has a few pictures every so often, so maybe it would suite the older members'. He glanced over to the other side of the aisle, where the books for older children were located.

His thin legs powered over to the other side and white eyes scanned the shelving. 'Over here' he said beconning over to the female. 'I can recomend basically all of these books on this part of the shelf, but for now...' he reached up and pulled 3 books from there place, uprooting several thousands of particles of dust. Flicking his ears and frowning as the dust fell from his ears onto his shoulders, he brushed the fallout from the black patches. 'These are a trilogy, same characters, different adventures. You can make up other stories with the same characters, it lets people feel...' he was stuck for words, 'As if they are old friends'. He nodded again to back up his findings.

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