around me as i swam, the drifters who'd gone under
She was in lupus but i'll make her in optime instead cause its easiest Big Grin

WC: 320 3 points

Jace stumbled to the side only to be held up by someone who hadn't been there a minute ago, she breathed in the scent; Ty. She didn't know the scarred male all that well but she trusted him and that was enough for her to relax slightly. Then she saw Geneva appear like a beautiful angel come. down from the heavens just for her and beckon them further inside. With the help of Ty she made her way inside the old church, she could have probably made it on her own but the assistance was appreciated and she gave the scarred warrior a small smile although her eyes did not change from their haunted appearance.

She heard Falgar moving about somewhere though she didn't didn't change her head's position to see. As she sat down upon the pew her whole body seemed to slump down with weary and other such emotions, she felt bad bugging them with her problems when they were trying to rebuild the valley but she didn't want another female to end up like herself by someone who was allowed to wander the Valley freely Falgar and she was left alone with the Alpha's female. Her mismatched eyes locked on to those lime green orbs, something she would have never done in any normal circumstance, Geneva knew, she knew what had been done to Jace and taken from Jace but she was asking who had done it, who was responsible for raping one of the newest members of the Valley, and as Falgar suddenly appeared in her side vision, all she saw was another black male moving swiftly towards her and her body cringed away in an automatic reaction, the answer was clear to see in her eyes but she gave voice to it,

"Lucifer. Lucifer raped me." Her voice usually so happy and full of life was a shadow of its former self, filled with broken and damaged.

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