I think we've met before
A very tired looking Roran padded out from behind a tree. He stopped when he saw her and his face became something mixed between happiness, confusion, and fear. The happiness was in seeing the female that had befriended him when he first entered the packs lands. The confusion was in why she looked so upset, and the fear was in the look of complete and utter rage that was so obvious upon her face.

He stopped barely a few feet from the foliage he had just emerged from, his fur was slightly messy showing that he had been sleeping. He just looked at her as she walked, though she was still a few meters away, he was not entirely sure if he should go back behind the tree and wait for her to go past, or to approach her. Due to his white fur he blended in quite well with the snowy landscape. Though he was slightly afraid of her, he didnt make a move to go back into the foliage, he simply sat down and waited for her to reach him.

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