Mind If I Take a Look at Your Lovely Home?
OOC: Hai sammy ^^ mind if we backdate this to the 2nd of march?

Jace was again patrolling the borders even despite of her recent attack and subsequent rape, she was a tough wolfess and wasn't going to let some bullying asshole dictate her life. If he came for her again then again she would fight, she would fight until he killed her but she would never give in to him. She hissed to herself, something she had found herself doing quite a lot of lately to dispell her anger.

Her ears perked up and swiveled as a howl reached her ears and she set off towards the source of it. Luck was not on Jace's side today though and she happened to be quite a bit away from the howl's owner. It took her a good twenty minutes to reach the female that sat at the borders. Mainly because she was confined to optime form and could go no quicker than a fast walk lest she injure her cracked ribs even more. Finally she reached the wolfess Jace was surprised by the unnatural colors that graced the strangers fur. she had heard of some who colored their pelts with human dies and such but had never seen it for herself. Jace introduced herself to the white and odd colored female,

"Hello there, my name is Jace. This territory belongs to Phoenix Valley. Is there a reason for your visit?" Jace kept her voice as neutral as she could, she had no problem with people being at their borders but it was when they trespassed that it annoyed her.

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