(p) saw the wave of the future


As much as Eris would have wished to claim otherwise, she was a creature of need, and she desperately craved attention and love. These were things she had experienced before, at least to some degree -- she could not classify what had transpired in Eterne as truthful love; that notion had been confuted long ago. It might have felt like it at times, but the swiftness with which they'd removed her had proved otherwise. The sable-shaded woman had sought this in Inferni, though she knew it was a futile, tiny hope, she had tried anyway. Not even the thought of grandchildren bearing her surname had been enough to soften the cold woman who had given birth to Eris; not even that had been enough to allow her into the old woman's heart.

“Every day,” the hybrid said, shaking her head back and forth slowly, incredulously. It really was amazing to her -- just mere weeks ago, they had been blind furry bundles, incapable of standing or truly walking, completely dependent on her. Now, they were off and on their own -- certain to return later that night, surely, but still, away from her sight. That in and of itself was a transformation the wolf could hardly believe. “Pandemic looks like you, and Salvia has your eyes,” she said. The Tuyul was glad the coyote features of her maternal ancestors did not seem to be surfacing in their children -- that percentage was negligible in any case, and that it did not physically manifest was something quiet pleasing to the hybrid.

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