J - Alone and Lonely
-^-^- Thanks very much for the welcome.

The howl tampered to an end. Moonglow's head drooped, muzzle opening and tongue lolling in a pant. She was tired, so very tired. She wanted things to be the way they were, the five of them together and happy. She wanted...

Lost in such melancholy thoughts, she didn't notice the other wolf's approach until he spoke. Even then, cream jaws closing and head lifting, she didn't appear to understand exactly what she was seeing. Golden eyes stared though this stranger wolf, completely blank. Several seconds passed before Moonglow seemed to gather herself, awareness trickling into her gaze.

After several false starts, the young wolf was able to drag herself to her feet. Feeling weak, from hunger probably, she twitched into proper greeting position. First Moonglow lowered her head respectfully, while her tail eased between her legs and her ears went half-mast. She was aware, somewhere in the back of her mind, that she doubtlessly made for a pathetic image. The thought hovered briefly before dying without making any impact. It didn't matter.

"Greetings," her voice was a low rasp, strange on such a young female but revealing that it had been quite some time since she had last spoken. "I am Moonglow." She hesitated for a long moment before lowering her head further, glancing very briefly up at the male before her before lowering her gaze again. "Forgive me, Alpha of Dahlia de Mai, but I seek permission to hunt small game on your lands, if possible."

She'd had no thought to enter their territory before, but as the alpha was before her she felt it prudent to ask. While it was possible to find small game on neutral lands, if it ran into their territory she would no longer be able to hunt it. Hopefully she would find a rabbit sluggish with winter or, better yet, some unwise hibernating animal dead in it's burrow.

Whatever the case, she had to find food soon or she would not survive the next few days. Moonglow felt weary at the thought, as if faced with an egregious chore. She wondered if the Alpha, Conor she thought he said, would agree. There would be no gain for his pack, just the continuation of a worthless stray. She couldn't gather any kind of worry, if he sent her away she would go.

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