J - Alone and Lonely
Big Grin Awesome! It's great to be accepted. <3 And the title is lovely.

He seemed a kind soul and Moonglow wondered at it. Did madness lurk behind the soft voice and gentle eyes? Was that the eventual fate of all those cursed with the Secui beast inside their skin? Would she one day become the monster of her nightmares?

When he turned away to lead her deeper into his territory Moonglow didn't move. Her golden eyes were wide and locked on his slowly retreating back. How could she trust him? How could she trust any wolf that may become that thing? Fears and nightmares danced behind her eyes, darkening them. Finally, with a faint tail twitch that was weary acknowledgment of her position, Moonglow crossed the border line and followed Conor.

The first step was shaky, her body protesting even the idea of being forced to move. She ignored it's pained complaints with all the studied skill she had gained in her months of travel. Her legs felt weak and unsteady beneath her but Moonglow simply focused fiercely on the white tail tip in front of her.

A familiar rhythm was established, Moonglow didn't need to think she simply let her paws move her forward. The tunnel vision that accompanied this state was welcome, there was no phantom family to set her inner wounds burning. There was only her immediate goal, the throb of over worked muscles and the blissful, blanketing static that dulled her mind.

When she moved there was only that, only now. There was no past and no future. It was as close to happiness that Moonglow ever got since that night. The coveted first sight of a town was thus made meaningless. The only thing Moonglow saw with any clarity was the wolf leading her. Even as she embraced this numb state, Moonglow knew it wouldn't last. She needed food and rest, which would require stillness and, worst of all, thought.

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