So, how'd you find 'Souls?
wait... Taa as in the crazy old Taa who had the character taaqulakhjfdkshfjksadfh ? XD

i was doing wolf rp's on neopets and my ooldoldold online friend and i joined souls together, but she left like 2 weeks later and i stayed. that was like, 5 or 6 years ago, jeez x_X i joined back when we were all on ezboard hehe :3 and then i pretty much quit throughout high school but i kept stalking every 6 months or so until senior year when i had a ton of free time and rejoined ^^

ALSO, JENNY, I REMEMBER NCW OMG D: i dont even remember who i played there but i was a member!! >>; fish and i used to talk, like, every day D: i wonder what happened to her

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