(p) saw the wave of the future


The sable-shaded hybrid did not find the dynamic between their forms awkward, though she did not know how Larkspur felt; as such, she settled down to the ground once closer to him and once the excitement had faded away at his positive answer. The woman was now thinking, quiet for a moment -- she did not know anything about how soon she could have children again, though she wanted them as soon as she could. She did not want a large age gap between her children; if they were birthed and raised as close together as possible, it would be better for her and easier for them. The older children would be old enough to remember how their younger siblings were raised, making them better parents. The younger ones would be strongly influenced by their older siblings, as well.

“None at all,” she said breezily, though she did recall the pain of childbirth. She assumed, or hoped, that the second time would not be quite so bad. “I want them soon,” she said, chartreuse-shaded eyes peering at him and gauging for reaction. There was something in him that seemed transient, almost -- she did not wish for him to disappear on her, and she thought the addition of children might tether him to her and this place further. “I don't know how soon I can, though.” This was said rather matter-of-factly; she did not pose it as a question, as she did not think Larkspur knew the answer -- still, he had surprised her before, and there was a chance it might happen again.

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