I think we've met before
WC: 318 3 points

He fell into step beside her and they lapsed into silence for a short while until he spoke again. His sudden seemingly random question stopped her up short for a few seconds, she hadn't expected it and her face blanched. Her story was a strange one although his she guessed mirrored it slightly, a sad expression coming over her face as he mentioned his parents simply leaving. She doubted that they just abandoned their pup and most likely Roran knew the truth of their disappearance as well but she would not ask, she did not wish to prod at barely healed wounds.

She had at least a year of living with her pack before they had been taken from her and she suspected that the poor male didn't even have that but she humored his request and answered his question,

"I was born into a very large pack so there were always people around, always someone to play with or talk to, someone who would listen, even to the ramblings and pretends of a young pup. But when I was not much older than yourself they were brutally murdered by a neighboring pack. My escape was down to pure luck and the spirit of my sister watching over me." She truly believed that the only reason she had come out of that encounter alive was because her recently killed twin's spirit had used her last time on earth to save her sister from the patrol.

"Phoenix Valley is the first pack I have been a part of for over a year. It is a relief that I find within myself now, to be part of a pack again. Although I did have Temo, we were very vulnerable with just us. If we had not found Phoenix Valley then I have no doubt that we would have had a hard time surviving the snowstorm that caused all this damage."

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