I think we've met before
He stopped as well when she did, though he cocked his head to the side when she told her story. In truth, the life she had lived before finding Pheonix Valley sounded very nice compared to the short span of time he had known his parents. Even when he had been with his parents, they barely had even acknowledges his existance. The only time they really even interacted with him was when they brought food home. The rest of the time he was left to himself, wandering about, finding things to entertain himself.

He frowned slightly when she mentioned that she had had someone when her pack was killed. "When my parents left, i didn't have the comfort of a friendly face, sometimes, i wish that i wouldn't have survived on my own after they left, so maybe i could have gone to a place where all wolves are cared for." As he said this, he stared straight down, tears threatening to spring from his now moist eyes.

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