Last friday night

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Life with Mars had become confusing. She woke up every morning expecting him to be gone, but every day he was still there. Bartholomew had disclosed that he'd come to Cercatori d'Arte for some Orin woman, leaving Krystalle terrified that once again she would be left alone. She'd been on edge. Just the other morning, she'd found him with some unknown female; naturally, she'd fled the house, just the same as she was doing currently. With careful, quiet steps, she gathered her books and bag and wandered outside. Home just didn't feel right with the knowledge she'd gathered.

Outside, the world was still white, still cold, and spring didn't seem to be any closer, though she knew it was. It'd been weeks since she'd found her way to the snowy world that she now lived within, but she hadn't acclimated to the temperature. There was no thick undercoat for her, and she was doomed to wear the modified clothing that rarely left her body; Cercatori was just too cold in winter for the Latin mutt, who had always been used to the warm temperatures of Los Angeles or Nevada. She shook her head at the drifts that'd come to rest up against the houses; it even looked as though someone had tried to build a fort near the store next door. "Hace mucho frío." Her mumbled quickly dissipated on the air, lost in a fog of her breath.

The borders were her destination, and as she made her way across the territory, she wondered why she liked them so much. It represented the world outside, and a chance to run if she needed to. It wasn't as if she believed that running was an option, but at least it was there for later. Mars hadn't been so insufferable that she had to flee back home. It'd just been awkward.

Pink eyes caught sight of a new form at the edge of the territory and faint concern passed over her features. It wasn't her place to determine who could or couldn't go into the pack lands, but her new family seemed too peaceful to really ward off the bad seeds with violence. Vague worry entered her system and she made her way toward the shape, just as the howl reached her ears. At least it wasn't planning to trespass. The woman (clearly it was a woman as the Latina reached the edges of her new home) was greeted with a smile. "Hola, chica. What can I do for you?" she asked, rubbing the back of her neck uneasily. There was still time for her to be attacked.

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