Last friday night


The stranger was polite, quickly introducing herself as one Tala Djose, and seemed to be on a mission for the greater good. She was curious about the welfare of the Latina's new family, and asked permission to see how everyone was. Krystalle turned her head ever so slightly to the side. Her pink eyes studied the ashen female with wary curiosity. She claimed to know members of the pack, but the older canid was unsure if she should believe her. Outside of Cercatori d'Arte, the small and doggish female was quite amiable, but in her home it was different. There was more to lose if she allowed a danger into the borders; if she hurt someone, Krystalle knew she'd never forgive herself.

Still, she stepped back just slightly. She would let the woman enter, but she would watch her. "Mi llamo Krystalle, and I guess I can't really keep you out, ch'know?" A smile, though not as bright as her usual expressions, colored her features. If the woman wasn't a danger, she could be a friend; it left good prospects in the future of the Horzana. Friends were a treasure she liked to collect. In Nakzhi, she'd been very popular, but leaving her home had left her with nothing. And leaving California had gained back the friend she'd lost.

Her fingers tapped gently against the padded palm of her hands, glancing into the depths of Cercatori with some worry. It was quickly pushed away as she went to answer some of Tala's questions. "I only got here after the storm, but everything seems okay. I dunno what it was like before I, like, came here, ch'know chica? The houses seem okay, though." Her attempt to give some comfort to the mind of the younger fae was backed with a cheerful voice, laced with Spanish hints at every word.

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