Too close for comfort

Asphyxia looked at the male and she was oddly confused. What was he even saying? Did he understand anything she had just said. "Come again?" she said, hoping that he spoke more than just one language. "Please tell me this is some joke, that you can actually understand me at all... because if not, this is useless." it was useless anyways but the fact that it hurt her to even breathe, she didn't want to be throwing useless insults at him if he didn't even understand.

Quietly, the female licked some more copper tasting blood off her leg as she continued to stare at the male with suspicion. He was probably fucking around, he probably spoke more than one language. Over Asphyxia's years, she'd learned to speak a few things of other languages but really this guy was just confusing and made her angry. "Speak English or I'll rip your throat out." If he spoke her language, he'd know that she was throwing death threats out. If he continued to speak the other language, she'd just won herself a free meal.

The graying black female was known to stick to her word, except for the unfortunate event with Mew. However, she was trying to have her leg heal fast, if he didn't understand what she was saying, she could use friendly body language to get close to him and then SNAP! she'd break his little throat in half. Now that is how a real hunter rolled. Quietly, she felt her heart go up-beat a little more, growing impatient, she didn't want to wait all day. All the sudden she looked at him and for a change, slowed herself down and looked at him, "Pleaseee. Just tell me you can speak English, comprende? Because my head hurts and I want to get this over with so I can go home with happiness and a full stomach." If he had no idea what she was saying, then he wouldn't know that she meant he was going to be in her stomach, as one of her meals of the day. Asphyxia smiled a sly smile, looking more like a friendly smile probably to the male.


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