Sparrow Grace seeking Shawchert
OOC: O.K! Thanks!

IC: Sparrow Grace nodded her head and thought about how different her pack was compared to this one, her pack were more savage, most of them dressing with just one single leaf since most of her siblings were male. "That's good, I really can't go on any longer with these twigs I call legs" She chuckled quietly to herself and then her face lit up as Skye mentioned talents. She looked down at her feet and humbly replied "Well... I have a lot of experience with plant tending..." She hated admitting how good she was because she is rather timid and was afraid of what others thought of her.

Sparrow Grace looked back up and paused for a moment, saying over and over again in her head of what she would add on to her words that she thought sounded a little pushy. "Is there any way I can help the pack with my... abilities?" She said quietly, not sure if she should have said something other than abilities.

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