Sparrow Grace seeking Shawchert
Sparrow Grace's tail wagged happily and her voice chimed back in like a chorus of bells "Oh, that's wonderful! Not the storm, that's happened to me before I know how it feels to have all your effort thrown away... I'd be happy to help! Thank you so much for accepting me and I hope I haven't offended you or Cercatori at all.." She said the last part a bit more slowly and lower to show Skye that she truly cared if she did offend her in any way.

Sparrow Grace went onto her knees and did what her pack called, "kissing the ground" she usually did this to show respect towards others and her family always smiled and laughed at her because they thought she did this far too often. As her nose touched the grass, she stood back up on her feet and smiled with a slow nod and a sweet curl of her lips.

Sparrow Grace was very grateful for finally having a new home and her heart beat slowed back to it's normal comfortable pace.

OOC: I have to go, I'll be online tomorrow! Goodnight!

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