lost my way but found today


She'd almost turned tail and had been miles away before he spoke up. She wasn't use to others trying to keep her around, normally everyone just let her run. The ones that really knew her understood atleast that she'd return when she was good and ready. She flicked her ears back, still tempted to run, but the question that followed made her stop. Turning back and studying the male again she actually smiled. Not one of those fake half wavering pity me smiles, but a genuine smile. "I'm not sure if we'd be able to find enough string to go across the ocean, let alone the valley.." She teased. She wasn't so sure if he'd meant it as a joke or not, but she knew it wouldn't help her problem. She shook her head and tried to remind herself. There was no real problem, she just missed her children.

"My family went overseas and I just miss them.." she stated truthfully. There really wasn't any reason for her to be moping. She had found Naniko, Ember, and Kansas along with a vast variety of long lost relatives, but she knew she'd still worry until they were all home. Turning back towards the male she moved forward, closer to him before offering something other than excuses for her issues he obviously didn't need to hear about. "I'm Iskata." Short and simple.


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