I think we've met before
Sorry for the delay.
If you want, we can backdate a couple of threads between Roran and Jace where she shows him around and just generally takes care of him? If you want?
Also scroll over the word 'Bec' to find out what it means Big Grin


300+ 3 points

He was at that age where pups no longer always wanted to be comforted when they were sad and she was unsure of which one he wanted. In the end she came and sat besides him, lending her body heat in a comforting gesture, she was a mothering kind and all of her pack mates were her children to look after and make sure they were getting on well enough, just as a mother would lay her head over her her babies to keep them warm so she laid her head across the male's neck in a strange wolf to wolf hug,

"Well you are a part of the Valley now. All wolves are cared for here and nobody is left behind. Every female is your sister and every male your brother. It's pups are your own sons and daughters to cherish and raise and the Alpha and his mate are our mother and father. They watch over us and so we watch over each other, pack is just another name for family and that is what we are, one huge family." She could not let this little one on his own, clearly he was suffering from his solitary life.

She nudged his shoulder with her cold nose and stood, intending to keep walking with him. Her conversation with Temo could wait, it wasn't like the tiny pups growing inside her belly was going anywhere soon, not for another two months would they enter the world.

"Come on Bec, I will take care of you." She used a nickname for him that had been her own at one time, back when she had been small... well smaller than she was now. It felt good to be able to pass along tiny particles of her puppyhood, which had been contentedly happy and she hoped that some of the good feelings and memories associated with it would rub off onto the young male, he deserved a happyer life than he was getting.


Jace "talks", 'thinks', and walks.


Table by Kaena Lykoi <3

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