Butterfly Kisses

Word Count → 3+ :: ilu too, kels <3 here, have some crazy pagan-Alaine religion!

The little girl took a few attempts to pronounce the word correctly, but was soon successful, and Alaine crooned happily to hear the sounds of her ancient language, the language of Morrigan, come from such a sweet young voice. "Yes, that is it. Very good, Odette! Go maith!" Of all the pups, Odette was the most fluent in any speech, although that obviously had a lot more to do with age than skill. Elvira had only just begun stringing words together to form sentences, and Eli... Well, sometimes she doubted whether her son would ever speak.

The question caught her off-guard, and Alaine mulled over her answer for a few moments, waiting until the little ivory angel had crawled into her lap before speaking. Beneath her accented words, the fire crackled warmly, and soft gold danced over the faces of mother and daughter. "Well, love," She began softly, emerald eyes gazing beyond the rotting wood of the Chien Hotel to another time and place, when her mother had taught her the same beliefs she would attempt to teach to her children, "It is because our goddess, Dea, gave all spirits magic. When the spirits of the wood and the stone-bark combine, they show some of that magic - It is the bris. Can you see the magic, Odette? It dances in the fire. The fire is a sacred thing, because Dea created the magic in it." Soft, lyrical voice was wistful, and in her mind, Alaine was remembering the way her people had celebrated the bris - they had danced around it, and they had thanked Dea for the love and the magic she had given them.

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