Come as you are

I'll be waiting here to meet you

The way the dark male looked at her made her want to blush, and if it had not been for the thick ivory fur, a warm pink would be visible on her delicate face. Even though she was the superior ranked wolf present, she broke the eye contact and searched out his two front paws with her eyes for a split second or two, taking in the compliments he had granted her. She had been alone for so long, and suddenly standing here being a pack leader and receiving compliments was so far from anything she had expected. It was true though, Colibri was like a good wine, just improving by every year that went by, but she had never truly felt that attractive inside. It was a good thing, because she had not become shallow. No, only hollow, and she appreciated the feelings that he rose in her.

As he sat down, she stepped a bit closer before sitting down herself, eyes finally finding back to the male's delicate eyes. Her ears flickered as he broke out into a laugh and calling her sister an old bat. Old bat, meaning Colibri was one too? The milky white female's smile stayed, and her eyes twinkled humorously as she witnesses the male's open way of being. Actually this could be quite comfortable, she had nothing against warming up a bit. Naniko and Conri were names she was not sure she recognized. She had know a lot of souls in the past, but names and faces left her memory quite often, so she could not place any of the wolves he spoke of. Unfortunately she had not heard of this Diedre. Birthed two sons then left. Ears halfway flattened and her eyes darkened. Not in anger, but hearing of a mother leaving her children. How could Colibri ever forgive herself, and even worse, how could her own children ever forgive her.

" Hanna has joined us in these lands. It is good to find remaining family members.." Colibri tried to keep up the smile, but it would appear too fake, so she let her mouth turn into a neutral streak, and tried to hide the usual sadness from being poured into her eyes. " I do unfortunately not know of this Diedre you talk of. I am very sorry to hear this you say, mothers should not leave their offspring, at least not as such a young age."

Dying to meet you


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