It's all that we need
james edit: fixed your bold

She wasn't used to leaving the pups behind. And this city was so strange, so new...she doubted she'd find a den here that was as perfect as the one back home. It had been where she'd met Thanos, so long ago. Four years ago or so. So very long ago. She felt uncertain, but was here with her leader, naniko. that countd for something.

There used to be one back in the old city. It wasn't too far from my den there. They had all sorts of wonderful things there. She shrugged gracefully. She'd taken back to her two-legged form. She hadn't been in it for a while, and it felt somewhat unfamiliar, but she was getting used to it again. She cupped her hands to the glass of one building, peering in. The building had been untouched by the humans in the final days of humanity. It was a fabric shop, this one was. Interesting.

They moved along, until Deuce caught a familiar scent. She paused, sniffing. She glanced into the shop nearby. The front window was covred by a tie-dye covering of somesort. She frowned, raking her eyes across the fancy lettering. There- 'herbs'. This might have what we're looking for. She tried the knob; the door opened easilly. She stepped in, taking a deep breath. The sweet, tangy scent of long dried herbs filled the air inside the musty shop. Glass bottles lined the walls. Pagan artifacts filled shelves inside the multi-roomed store. The area the door opened into was the book and curio room. To the left was the cash register. to the right laid the room with the herbs. Deuce paused a moment to run her fingers over the many book spines lovingly. There were so many books that she'd lost in the fire. So many books lost to the coyotes in Inferni. So much lost. She felt a momentary pang, then smiled. Looks like we found a good stash here, she quipped.

She moved into the herb room, pausing to pick up a fancy canvas bag that the human kids used as backpacks. She fiddled with the strap until it hung perfectly, like her old one. She raked her claws through her mane, looking at all the dried herbs and seed packets. No doubt the herbs had been fresh when the humans closed the shop. now most were mouldy and no good. But the seeds would stay good indefinately. Deuce wandered up and down the couple of shelves, just admiring the way humans catagorized things. By alphabet, instead of by use. How strange. She gave Naniko an excited smile. Let's get to work, shall we?

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