I think we've met before
Sorry this was so long in coming

She looked down into his blue eyes that were so like her own blue eye and felt not pity or empathy or sympathy even though she could relate all three of them onto his form. She knew what it was like to loose family probably even more so for she had been a lot closer to her family that he had let on that he had been with his own and she growled internally. What kind of mother and father left their own son out in the cold. Where ever they were Jace hoped they were suffering for abandoning the pup that sat before her.

His question, it made her smile as he looked down at his snowy white paws and then back up into her gaze. The multi color spotted hybrid didn't need to think about the answer, a pup needed her help, who was she to refuse such a request from one so young.

"Of course Roran. Afterall we are of one family. Come on then, there's someone you have to meet, fathers are important too." She herded the youngster with her nose now, pushing him to get him moving in the direction she had originally been going.

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