I feel safe
it's cool Smile pardon my slight delay.

With the shards of White Willow in the pot, now boiling in the water, he brushed his hands together as he went back to the chopping board. He brushed it off with a paw, and put it aside where he had it before. Now, he checked on the boiling water, which had the white willow in it. With a ladle, he stirred it around to get it mixing in.

Suddenly, the door opened, and he was met a slight chill. It closed again, to reveal that his son, Carwyn, had walked in, carrying some wood under his arm. He gave a smile as he went back to stirring the white willow, hearing a little chat between him and his mother. Soon, Carwyn came over to inspect the pot. "What's in that, Father?" Pendzez looked down to his son "Medicine, for your mother. Some good herbs. "Ok. Hey Father, when do ya think Delwyn and Xion might back home?" It was then that Pendzez stopped in a temporary pause. He looked Xeris, giving the expression, "um... not sure..."

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