Come in as a pup?
Shadowposted TWICE. XD

You are welcome to join a pack as a puppy -- note, however, that puppies are only playable after they are two months old. :3

In most instances when people decide to have their characters reproduce on the board, they create their own children (names, personalities, descriptions) and then offer them up for adoption. Since we use a "points" system for puppies here, it's somewhat unlikely you'll find someone willing to give up their puppy points like that. C: There's always a chance, though, so I will certainly leave this here for you!

Here's the Open Characters list; this is where players will place any characters (including puppies) that are up for adoption on the board. There are a few puppies listed in here currently that you might be interested it.

Another option would be for you to join as your current character idea and seek an adoptive parent on the board -- this is very common and quite easy to accomplish, so you may be best with this option. :3

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