i know..i know..i know

She smiled at the younger male before nodding at his reply. "You learned something from it though, right?.." She knew better than harassing strangers, but she had never seen another wolf do what he'd just done. She was so use to everyone shifting to do such thing as picking flowers and other things, so seeing him in his wolfen form was a bit amusing. She shook her head and chuckled at the male as she smiled at him.

She sniffed one of the brilliant yellow flowers and wrinkled her nose at the pollen that clung to her whiskers. Sneezing as the particles tickled her nose she shook her head and turned back to the male. "What.. are you picking flowers for anyways.." She'd never seen a male picking flowers, though she'd seen them help with gathering herbs. Picking flowers was.. such a childish thing, even feminine. She watched the blue eyed wolf as she batted at another one of the flowers, sending a wave of the pollen across her paws.

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