warped mirror image

She was so overwhelmed by the small children that she could do nothing but laugh at them exploring and sniffling at her. She lifted first one paw then the other as they frolicked and played. Raising her eyes from the small ones she realized something and opened her maw to speak, but then closed it. Swallowing quickly she asked softly. "But.. where's their mother?" She wasn't sure how many had been lost in the fire and she really didn't want to find out. Too many she loved and cared about were still unaccounted for and she didn't want to think of that..

She looked back to the children and smiled sadly. "They're all so lovely Deuce..." she said, her voice trailing off for a moment before she swallowed and continued. "I've only found Kansas and Ember..." She wished that she had more good news to speak of, but hardly anyone did nowadays. She shook her head as she paused to watch the babes once more..

She wouldn't admit that he was really gone yet, but she had to tell her the truth. "Phoenix made it.. but he disappeared before I could find him." she turned away as she spoke the words, trying to hide the pain in her eyes, but knowing that was impossible. Shaking her head she sighed and tried to blink away the tears before turning back to the family before her. No one was left untouched from the tragic fire.

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