New places, new finds

Word Count → 216 :: 0 points, thank you! I think its a very fun game!

Kaliska was three months old in the field back home. Her mother and father were playing chase with her and she was losing badly. She let out a shrill laugh and fell face first into the pile of dirt. Her parents laughed at her and picked her up, cradling her against their arms. But a dark cloud started to cover her family and her parents started to fade away. She cried into the wind to let them come back.

Kaliska woke to the sound of a voice. She had the nightmares again but at least she was saved from the terrible ending. The wolf smelled of the Phoenix Valley pack so she wasn't alerted, just surprised. Her quick trick had worked! She slowly moved to face the stranger. "Yes I'm fine, I just got caught in the winds and tried to find shelter, I'm thankful you found me. I'm new to the pack so I don't really know where any shelters are."

She crawled out of the make-shift den and shuttered against the cold winds. She looked at the wolf. He looked just like her with the arctic pelt but he had a scar on his muzzle and fiery red pupils. The eyes were new to her, she had never seen someone with eyes like that.

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