We meet at last

His reaction to her laughter was one of confusion and she could understand it, who in their right mind would laugh about such things when they had just suffered rape and defilement of the worst kind but if she was honest with herself, it was either laugh or cry hysterically with no end in sight and she would rather laugh and be seen as odd that loose her plot completely and break down into hysterics, she had never been one for hysterics. However she appreciated his small effort to be appearing to join in on her humor with her, she hadn't expected sympathy she had just wanted to get her story out into the open.

She stood at his words that she was strong and nodded, her mother had been strong before her to bare pups to a male who was not of pack, despite that she could have been ejected from it and left on her own to die. Jace shifted her weight from one foot to the other and back again nervously, she sensed that their conversation was rapidly coming to an end, obviously he would not have time to sit with her all day and talk for he had important duties and things he needed to attend to. Noe would she want him to stay with her, at the moment she often felt the need to be alone so she could slowly collect her thoughts and begin to function like a normal wolf again.

She felt grateful for his help and support but didn't think she could express it in a vocal sense instead she stepped forwards and being careful not to touch his injured arm nor where he had lost his other she gave him a short awkwardly placed hug that had she been thinking straight would have never dared to do and eh pulled back from it fully expecting to be chastised. The words "Thank you" murmured from her lips quietly.

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