New places, new finds

Word Count → 190 :: 0 points

With gratitude bowed her head to the male and smiled. He was willing to share his home with her, packs were definitely not hateful. So far it seemed to be more like a large and extended family then a cruel group. Her mother most have had a bad experience with her pack. Kaliska new she would probably love pack life, so long as she obeyed the rules and was friendly to everyone. The thought also brought to her the fact that she is afraid of new people. But in the situation right now, she felt no need to fear him since he was he only help away from the bone-chilling cold. She would have to get used to talking to new people and get over her shyness.

"My name is Kaliska by the way, what is yours?" She watched the male and noticed the woods and rabbits in his hands. She wanted to be nice so she smiled. "Do you need any help with the wood?" She didn't ask about the rabbits because she thought he may get aggressive towards the food, so she didn't want to take the chance.

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