Grey is nither black or white

Emotions most often built up into clusters inside the heart and mind when they were held in, gathering and building until the outcome was a complete breakdown. For a year now, those emotions had been building up inside of the raven woman, piling up on top of each other as each horrid thing in her life happened. Children come and gone, lovers, friends, homes. All of it, just rushed in and rushed right back out, as if someone thought it fun to toy with the life of a woman who would do harm to no one, at least not intentionally. There were both good days and bad, the bad which kept her spending her whole day inside the cave she'd taken as her and, well, today was a bad day.

Had the raven woman been able to fall asleep it would have easily come and gone but something kept her tossing and turning upon the mattress. Restlessness came often but today it seemed different, like a hint of something that brought a horde of painful memories rushing back to the head of the once-Omega. Her children? Curious and suddenly unable to force herself to stay in, Wannabe Pirate was up and out of her den, seeking out the ghostly scent that plagued her. It didn't take her long to find him, as dark as night itself with eyes that could melt any soul. "My boy." It came in a desperate, hoarse sort of tone. Before she knew it she was right in front of him, thrusting her head forward to bury herself in his fur, and all she could manage to do was sob. He was the last of her children, even if he wasn't her own.


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