We didn't start the fire

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OOC: Even better if it isn't mutual. Who is Ember going off with? <3

For a moment he thought he had done her wrong. He was shocked to find that it affected him. That she could raise her eyebrow at him sent shivers down his spine, and that puzzled look in her eyes make him feel young. In theory, he was young, but she made him feel vital, important. Perhaps a lot of it was just Lubomir's interpretation of the way she acted and spoke. But she was certainly someone who had managed to get to him. More than he cared to admit. He let her catch up with him before setting out in Shadowed Sun territory. He even dared to smile at her.

'Ember, where I come from, all females are ladies. I was brought up to respect them and I always thought that even in foreign lands they would like to be pampered and pleased. And please excuse my rather wooden way of speaking, but I am charmed by your presence here.' His voice was soft and calm, simple tones, nothing flashy. He only wanted her to feel welcome. 'As for beliefs, I am sure you cherish something. For example, my core belief is knowledge. I love rationality, logic, words, history, music, that sort of thing. What do you treasure the most?' He gave her a warm smile, hoping she wouldn't feel so closed up. Hoping she would invite him into her soul. 'We are not in a good spot to start a tour, but if you so wish, I could take you to the Halcyon Mountains. I find it especially beautiful there.' Lubomir hoped he wasn't coming across as some sort of creep.

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