(p) saw the wave of the future


With Larkspur as a father, raising her children with the surname of D'Angelo and Eternity, there was no fear within the Tuyul for the future of her children. Their percentages were far too low for Inferni -- their wolf blood overwhelmed whatever coyote influence they might have, and even in youth her children appeared the part of whole-blooded wolves. She needn't worry about them departing to live off with their coyote family even if she told them plainly of her own involvement with both Eterne and Inferni. Eris had long decided lying to them outright was completely out of the question -- they would know their full heritage, and she would not deny them as she had been denied.

“That's an idea,” she said, wondering where she might find such information. No doubt it was within Anathema, but she did not know who specifically to address. “I'm not familiar enough with Anathema to know who to approach,” she admitted rather uneasily, shifting her gaze around their plain, functional cave. There was little decor within it -- they hadn't the time. They had few possessions -- a few odds and ends Eris had brought over with her from Inferni, and the rug-blanket made from the hide of the cougar pet Ouija had brought for her. The cat had grown too boisterous and rambunctious, and Eris had thought it right to dispose of the animal. The only evidence of its existence was now the hide -- the carcass had been left somewhere on the mountain.

hold us at the center while the spiral unwinds
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