New places, new finds

Word Count → 242 :: 0 points, It's all good Big Grin

She felt comfortable being in a pack, but Kaliska still had yet to be fully comfortable. Becoming close and known in this new pack was going to take her a while, but she was going to make it a goal to become a full member to this pack. Pack life wasn't going to be that hard, she hoped...

The wolf told her his name and bowed, this she was not accustomed to. But that is what the wolf named Falgar had done as well, so maybe they all bow in a formal fashion. "A very nice name Pendzez, it has a sense of power to it." Kaliska smiled shyly but refused to be embarrassed. She was possibly going to stay with him at his home, so she might as well start to get used to him.

Even being nice she kind of felt a sense of sorrow because she couldn't help, but she asked no further. There was no need to upset the wolf, he was obviously capable of handling himself. She followed him as he walked. She thought about how his home might look. Was it possibly a den like she had lived in for a while, or maybe an abandoned building made by the humans as she had heard stories of as a pup. She was excited to see what it was but kept the feeling to her self so she wouldn't look odd to the wolf ahead of her.

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