New places, new finds

Word Count → 247 :: 0 points, Ohh! thank you I guess I wasn't paying enough attention to that! Big Grin

Walking with the male she noticed the nature around her. The ice was still terrible, but the world here had a peaceful look to it. Kaliska was a fan of nature and the silence it sometimes gave, rarely. She loved to hear the birds sing and the smaller animals race across the ground to get away from stalking predators. Kaliska was never much of a small animal hunter, she preferred the larger more agile prey. Thinking of the prey made her stomach growl, she hadn't eaten in a while.

Pendzez would periodically look back at her. She guessed it was to see if she was still there. Then she noticed the cabin coming ever closer to them. It was beautiful, not anything like she would have guessed. "It is amazing!" She had never stayed in a cabin, so this was a new experience for her.

She started thinking about her previous homes. When she was a small pup with her parents they lived in a stone den. It was gorgeous with a patch nearby that had thousands of flowers in it. The home sufficed her need to be with nature. The other homes she had lived in were enough but none had been like her first home. It was also the fact that her parents were no longer with her, so she never took time to really search for a good and lasting home. She knew now that she was going to have to search for one.

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